Well it looks like I am settling into my schedule of posting every Thursday...or at least that is what I would like to believe. This one is lone again, but I will shorting the others sorry some frustrations take up room
Today's frustration comes for a passion of mine, as well as rants from particular friends of mine. Who are these friends, well they are soldiers. Soldiers who are or have served time overseas fighting in our current conflict. Some have been over there more than once.
So today's rant is, "Why do we so easily forget our Soldiers, even when we are at war!?"
Let me preface this frustration with the fact that I really do not care what your political, ideological, or spiritual belief is. I am not commenting on the war here (a whole other frustration) nor do I care to see posts concerning the war. What I would like to focus on is the men and women fighting on foreign soil. Those far from home waiting, fighting, and dying to come back to American soil. So drop your agenda and lets talk.
I go with the belief of "Out of sight out of mind" mentally when addressing why American citizens have become complacent to those serving in the armed forces. We see the damage on the news and we see soldiers fighting or living in Iraq, but they all look a like and then we change the channel to Stargate or Star Trek. Thus we remove ourselves from the war at home only to watch and engage the fictional military characters fighting a villain we don't have to understand. We see brief updates in the media concerning those who died in the war with a list of names that run up the screen at break neck speeds. We just do not have to connect with the reality that soldiers, American men and women, are fighting and surviving in a place that doesn't have a Starbucks (YET!)
I find it interesting that many junior and high school kids across our nation actually knows someone that served, serving, or died in Iraq. America knows that our kin are getting their boots dirty, but we seem content on waiting for them to come home before we acknowledge that they were gone. From the many men and women serving in the armed forces I have spoken (more to follow) with they seem "let down" or "forgotten" by the very people they believe they are fighting for.
I know we just celebrated Memorial Day, but let me ask you and try to be honest "How many of you actually remembered or thought about a soldier(s) that fought for our country?" Don't get me wrong I am not in the military and I rarely participate in military anything, but everyday the soldiers are on my mind. Hopefully, after this frustration they will be on your mind as well.
So Voice what can we do? Good question, You can begin to participate in the conversation and remembrance of our brave soldiers fighting right now. You can join organizations or donate time in helping send goods or cards to the soldiers overseas. You can start separating your ideals against the war by remembering those who are actually there. What I have found very helpful as well is if you know someone that has a family member overseas, talk to them about that person. Do not forget or ignore those who are trying to do what they believe is right. For most of us we never even get a chance to truly defend our beliefs, so lets try to stand by those who do.
I have not sat on the sidelines and nor should you. Please check out http://www.heroes4heroes.org/ or http://news.fanboy.tv/no15_mon_may_21_2007__chris_mccroskey.htm for more information on what you can do to boost the moral of the men and women fighting overseas. Also after looking at the site, if you know someone that is serving in Iraq right now please send their mailing info to dallas@heroes4heroes.org so we can send them stuff right away.