Thursday, June 7, 2007

Well I Never !

This is a fun frustration for the week.

As I am building my blogging community I took the advice of the Blogspot Help Desk by posting my blog on various blog directories. You can find three of them at the bottom of this page. However I ran into a issue while attempting to lure you into the web of my madness.

Today's Frustration is, "Who says what blogs are worthy of the Internet?"

Ok here is the email I received from BlogCatalog today:
"Thank you for submitting your blog (Pure Frustration) to BlogCatalog.
Unfortunately upon reviewing your blog we are unable to grant it access to the directory.
Your blog was declined for the following reason:
Your blog is brand new and doesn't have enough content to make it truly valuable.If this is the case, please resubmit after you have made more postings."

I particular love the part I bolded. I am frustrated because in a endless sea of information that anyone and anything (those with thumbs) can submit to this thing called the Internet. Yet my blog for some reason has been deemed not "truly valuable." I challenge anyone to go out to BlogCatalog and see if anywhere there is a listing that says only the truly valuable blogs get into our directory.

I am sure there are blogs out there changing the world, but take a gander at some of the listings out there. In your search see if you find any of their sites they deemed "truly valuable." Look to see if their listings have some sort of primary literary source that scholars should debate and politicians should frame constitutional standards on. I am sure that most of the people out there are good folk; however, I am having issues with the high school mentally of my blog being the new kid that cannot join the cool kids table at lunch.

I used to think it was the readers that demonstrated the value of the blog, or even the material that is being presented. Well I was wrong and now I have to go play cyber dodge ball and relive the inadequacies of not fitting in or "belonging" in a virtual world that seems to accept the hourly postings on the world of "furriers." Well I will take my business else where it would seem and one day they will be begging me to be on their site, and I will be like "No I am to cool and rich now!" Yeah that'll show em...

Actually, since this site does not cost me anything and I do not have to pay to be on any of the directory sites; I guess it really would behoove those on BlogCatalog to include everyone seeing how they are supposed to be aiding people in some fashion or another. By excluding me they are sending a message to future bloggers who may read my site. They are telling them if they are not deemed worthy they will be alienated from rest of the Internet universe. I say LET THEM EAT CAKE! Let's not get high and mighty because someone figured out how to create a database. Good job, what ya gonna learn in the 8th grade their junior. To deem my words or my blog as "not truly valuable" at any stage is pompous and ostentatious. Stop looking down from the mountain you see yourself on and come and join us common folk attempting to communicate and connect with the world around us. You never know you may actually like it!

Do me a favor, for the rest of the summer I will be posting to this blog at least once a week if not twice. Read, laugh, cry, and tell others.

-The Voice-

1 comment:

GettyCash said...

Blogcatalog declined my blog twice.

I am so sad I've just started to blog seriously. :(

First they said my blog was new and didn't have much content so I resubmitted again when I have more posts, but they declined my blog again.

Your blog was declined for the following reason:

* The URL you submitted is not a blog, is solely for commercial purposes, or is suspected to be spam.