Thursday, July 26, 2007

People Suck

Hello All,
Sorry for the late post but the old voice here has been spreading himself a little thin this summer. If you know me than you will see the irony in the thin joke...tear. Anyway quick post on two items I saw today that just frustrate the hell out of me.

So Today's Rant is: What the hell is wrong with people?
Sadly I read way to many papers in the morning. I do so in regular print or online news source and this headline over at stuck out to me.

Molester gets 45 years, scolding from disabled victims' parents
Apparently Wayne Albert Bleyle worked in the convalescent ward at Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego CA. There Wayne got caught molesting five of his young, disabled patients and for taking pornographic photographs of others. However, Wayne admitted to molesting at least half of all his patients in his 10YEARS working at the Hospital. When asked how many children he molested the dushbag actually said, "How many snowflakes are out there" as he looked out the window.

So he actually not just molested children he molested seriously ill children that were too young and weak to defend themselves. Don't worry folks the guy got 45 years and 8 months in jail. So he is off the streets. I bet the parents are happy...or maybe they are not. I usually do not go for the death penalty, but a quote from George Carlin comes to mind when dealing with child molesters, Carlin said, "They should be dipped in gravy and locked in a outhouse with a rapid wolverine!" I have to agree with Carlin here. Whatever happened to the days of taking the accused, who admits his crime, out back and hanging em? Honestly, I just can't wrap my head around this one.

I am interested in CNN today, not sure why but this stuck out to me.

In the headline for Lindsey Lohan and here recent arrest says, "I'm Innocent" yet her crime was: Possession of Cocaine, and she just got our of rehab again. Now normally I do not care about celebrities getting special treatment in our courts. Hell that is part of the new American way, but what strikes me as interesting is on CNN today there is another celebrity in jail. Mindy McCready accused of violating probation on a 2004 drug charge after a scuffle with her mother and authorities. McCready's drug charge was her getting pain killers in another person's name. She also has another probation for a drunk driving arrest in 2005.
Now what interests me, and sadly makes me laugh and then frustrated is this: How famous does one have to be to get out of jail time? I only say this because Lohan is being held after all the crap she has been caught doing. If you would like to know go to this link. She has been in and out of trouble with the law, that most Americans would have been sent to jail without all the special treatment. But McCready has had three instances with the law, which is more than most people should, but with her third strike she is violating her probation, which Lohan has done, and will NOT be receiving a bond hearing and can face up to 3 YEARS IN PRISON if convicted. So it has to suck that McCready's sitting in jail with a strong possibility of facing prison, and Lohan is checking back into Rehab only to hit someone else with her car as she get's high. At least McCready has had like 4 or 5 albums and some hit singles. Lohan has seriously done CRAP!

Friday, July 6, 2007

The Costumer is Always Wrong

Hello my fellow web surfers, apparently I am a lier and will be posting when every I get the chance. I thought I would be able to post every Thursday, but as it turns out my life is not set to a regular schedule yet.

So for today's rant, "What the hell happened to costumer service?

(side note: I am talking about all areas where I shop, eat, or purchase some sort of goods)

This rant comes from being treated like a nuisance or distraction from some person(s) having to serve or wait on me. Time and time again I see this when I am out. The sales person or waitress either:

A.) Takes forever to handle the costumer

B.) Looks/Sounds iterated when listening or responding to the costumer

C.) Messes up the order or sales

D.) All of the above.

I am really not that old, but seriously in the past five to seven years there has been a HUGE drop in how people are treated in places of business. When I was a kid I remember being waited on in a polite and timely manner, or when I was working in food service (fast food) I was held responsible for my cleanliness, politeness, and work efficiency. WHAT HAPPENED!! I have said it before that there is a massive increase of people that seem to have the "You owe me" attitude.

These places forget that I am doing business with them and my money is the reason they want me there. In the past I would leave a place of business and go to their competitor. But the tables have turned on me now since no matter where I go I get really crappy service. I am a man of examples:

"Some time back my wife and I decided we would like a taquitos from Whataburger where we live. We each just wanted one and decided to go through the drive through. We ordered our two taquitos and were then squeezed in by a car behind us blocking all escape routes if the need arise. There were two vehicles in front of us, and we proceeded to wait 57 minutes in a drive through for our food. We could not leave or else I would have driven off at the 25 minute mark. Did the person working the window ask the two vehicles to pull to the side? Nope. Did the person working the window think that they could possible just bring us our order? Nope. By the time we got to the window I was so frustrated and angry that it took nearly an hour of waiting for two taquitos that I didn't want them. The girl at the window didn't apologize for the wait, nor did she even acknowledge our wait, but did have an attitude that my wife didn't have the money ready when we got to the window. Mind you we had to go through the process of starting our car and whatnot after our wait."

This was supposed to be "fast food." I do see this everywhere from shopping malls to eateries. I dread going out to places of business. Seriously, in my town there is only a limited number of place to go, so I know before I leave the house that I have to cike myself up for crappy service. Tipping doesn't even matter anymore in most circumstances. I tip because I know that in food service the waiter(s) makes less and thus relies on tip, but it is not mandatory to do so. I tip on the premise of what the tax was on my bill, and WHAT THE SERVICE WAS LIKE.

Here's what I do, I walk into a restaurant and have set in my mind I will be tipping the person waiting on me 8 dollars, which is a lot depending on the bill. Every time I am rude to, or ignored, or die from dehydration (no refill) I take a dollar away. I have let places with out leaving a tip, not because I forgot but because they person waiting on me forgot why he/she was there; To serve the customer.

I would love to hear your stories and how you handle bad costumer relations. Or why you think this is happening in the first place.
