Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Target + Credit = Screwed!


Yes I'm back and I am more frustrated then I have ever been. I will be doing a series of posts coming up, but I wanted to talk about one that has hit home.

With the current Wall street screw up and investors freaking out over something they "knew" was going to happen, they (wall street and creditors) have decided to cut there losses and make sure they pass the buck on the card holders before they go. Don't believe me...ok...

My wife has a Target REDcard which is a Visa so who are we kidding. Any who she decided to check her card before she went out of town to make sure the payment was received and check her limit. What she found sent here into a two hour phone conversation with Target REDcard support...but more on that in a bit. So my wife noticed that the available credit had dropped 800 dollars...yes 800 dollars. They dropped the available credit 10 dollars above what we owe on the card. I'll give you a minute to compose yourself...ok....not yet...ok.

WHAT THE HELL! Listen I have been fighting with the credit card companies for the past 10 years from bogus charges to identity theft so usually nothing surprises me. Heck I even understand in this economy that one really has to have some sort of debt to get credit. I know that sounds crazy, but when banks or loan officers run your credit they are looking at your credit to debt ratio. Here's what kills me, we pay our cards on time and waaaayyy over the payment options and yet they do this. No word, no warning, no phone call, no email...NOTHING! This was down right criminal in my personal and dare I say professional opinion. Sadly it is legal, it shouldn't be but it is. It is a way for the credit industry to save their asses.

But wait there's more, so my lovely petit wife calls the card company to attempt to fix what she thought was an innocent mistake. What she was met with was rudeness and false apologies and shuffled from one person to another for over an hour. Here's what she wanted, she wanted to speak with the office or person in charge that can change her credit limit back to what it was. That's all. She was then told EVENTULLY that the offices she called does not deal with the credit limit. So she asked to be transferred to the person who she needed to speak with. She was then told, quote: "That office does not receive phone calls from card holder, nor can I transfer you to those offices because they do not speak with the people directly." I am not kidding.

So a recap: we have done nothing wrong, we pay our bills on time, our credit is now being changed without word or warning, and the people who change the credit limit do not speak to the card holders nor is there a way to talk with them directly. What the hell happened to speaking with people to resolve issues? I know their is a credit crunch but this company just went and cut prices on everyone. I suggest you all look at your credit cards and their available credit because if it has not changed it will...and very soon.

Well since we are fighters we are going to fight this. Sadly we probably won't get that far. We are not using the card anymore, nor are we shopping at Target from here on out. It isn't so much the credit, but the blatant abuse my wife had to take over the phone. She was treated like a degenerate even though our history with them is clear. I seriously do not think the answer to this credit crisis is to alienate the card holders, and or force them on to another card carrier. Simple because when we come out of this mess (and we will you Armageddon fanatics) Target REDcard will find itself truly in the RED.

I invite any Target representative to contact me, but I doubt they will since there is so little time in the day and soooo many more people to screw over.

(Since we all don't have money anyway I suggest you also boycott Target...that's just me)

-The Voice-

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