Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year...New Rants

First of all I know that I do not blog when I do blog you all should be grateful.
Secondly I do not plan to blog everyday this New Year; I do plan to only blog about things that are really with that said lets look at a new one:

New Frustration is, "Oil hits $100 dollars a gallon the same day that the Iowa voters come out and support a Democrat...coincidence I THINK NOT!"

Yes I know this sounds like a conspiracy theory, but lets just look at some of the lose facts that I misread or made up.

For the past eight years the current administration has undoubtedly fucked up just about everything that made this country great. No I am not anti-American but I am anti-stupid! We are now in the nation's biggest deficit we have ever seen, we have nearly zero foreign political clout in the world, and the Euro is 1.50 to our 1 dollar. So with the country slowly slipping into manic depression and owing more debt than a graduate level art major we now have gas prices raising higher and higher everyday.

Now the experts will tell you that supply and demand is a huge factor in our gas prices. Meaning America uses more gas in a day that can be produced in the same 24 hours. Which is sadly true, we are addicted to gas as much as a lonely house wife is to Opera. However, did anyone else notice that in the past eight years our administration has allowed gas prices to rise? I know we went to war over oil, but hell you would think we would see some sort of benefit by now...dontcha? Also has anyone else noticed that the president's cabinet (as well as old chuckles himself) all have stock, positions, or money in oil. Hum...a mystery as to why gas prices would rising.

I say the current administration has been willfully and knowingly manipulating gas and oil production and reserves to solely benefit their pocket books...possibly since most of them thought they would be impeached by now any way and needed some soft cash to cushion their fall from grace. This gets me to my current frustration, now that there is light at the end of the tunnel and 43% of the Iowa voters chose a Democrat I find it highly suspicious that gas prices would be rising the same day. The voters demonstrate that it is time for a change, and the fat cats are hurrying themselves to make as much money as possible before the preverbal "good times" run out. Oh and it is only at the expense of well EVERYONE!

I personally laugh at our current condition since all it took was a nation of apathy and complacency for this to come about, and now those same people are looking for some poor guy to come in and try to fix the hemorrhaging that is our current United States. I am sure that the poor sap that gets the job will certainly be able to live up to all the promises he/she made on the campaign trail. Please not the sarcasm, I mean this person will only have to look forward right? Or will he/she have to put humpty dumpty together again with only lose instructions and oven mits on their hands. Think about’s really hard to do anything with oven mits on...except take things out of the oven...take the metaphor for what it is you judging bastards.


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